xbatcher: Batch Generation from Xarray Datasets =============================================== Xbatcher is a small library for iterating Xarray DataArrays and Datasets in batches. The goal is to make it easy to feed Xarray objects to machine learning libraries such as Keras_. .. _Keras: https://keras.io/ Installation ------------ Xbatcher can be installed from PyPI as:: python -m pip install xbatcher Or via Conda as:: conda install -c conda-forge xbatcher Or from source as:: python -m pip install git+https://github.com/xarray-contrib/xbatcher.git Optional Dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: The required dependencies installed with Xbatcher are `Xarray `_, `Dask `_, and `NumPy `_. You will need to separately install `TensorFlow `_ or `PyTorch `_ to use those data loaders or Xarray accessors. To install Xbatcher and PyTorch via `Conda `_:: conda install -c conda-forge xbatcher pytorch Or via PyPI:: python -m pip install xbatcher[torch] To install Xbatcher and TensorFlow via `Conda `_:: conda install -c conda-forge xbatcher tensorflow Or via PyPI:: python -m pip install xbatcher[tensorflow] Basic Usage ----------- Let's say we have an Xarray Dataset .. ipython:: python import xarray as xr import numpy as np da = xr.DataArray(np.random.rand(1000, 100, 100), name='foo', dims=['time', 'y', 'x']).chunk({'time': 1}) da and we want to create batches along the time dimension. We can do it like this .. ipython:: python import xbatcher bgen = xbatcher.BatchGenerator(da, {'time': 10}) for batch in bgen: pass # actually feed to machine learning library batch or via a built-in `Xarray accessor `_: .. ipython:: python import xbatcher for batch in da.batch.generator({'time': 10}): pass # actually feed to machine learning library batch .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: api demo roadmap contributing